Be ready !
♦ There is a hidden ticket to a journey unlike any other you might have experienced before… A trip through time. Though our destination is the future, we will start right here… where the past had begun… At the cradle of civilizations, the northern tip of the African Continent: Tunisia…
♦ The reason for such a trip is that the world as we now know it is about to drastically change and we need to be ready to embrace such changes and thrive from them instead of enduring them. This global shift that we are talking about will affect our economies, our societies, our lives as human beings, and the future of our children.
♦ Be ready ! We have set up a road map for you to conquer the future and leave your legacy. We wi ll guide you to new flourishing markets, help you navigate the advanced technology behind it and inspire you to create and grow in it. Now, it is your time to learn… Now, it is your time to invest…
Now, it is the time of “ENTERPRISING FOR TOMORROW”.
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Conference Director-Designate
I take awesome delight in showing to you this portfolio of what JCI Tunisia has vowed to offer on being allowed the facilitating right of the 2022 JCI Africa & Middle East Conference in Tunisia.
We promise you a warm welcome from Tunisia and we’ll guarantee that everybody will fall under the spell of our beloved country.
Our energetic COC Members are taking action to ensure an extraordinary Conference for you. We promise you a unique and memorable event, an experience that you will remember for a lifetime.
We look forward to inviting you to Tunisia.
Mohamed DAOUD
2022 JCI Tunisia National President
It is my honor and delight, on behalf of JCI Tunisia Members, to welcome you to join the Africa & Middle East Conference in Tunisia.
I, Mohamed Daoud, being the National President of Junior Chamber International Tunisia, thusly certify that to the best of my knowledge, all information contained in this document is genuine and correct.
Luckily, adaptability and familiarity with change, are skills JCI Members are exercising constantly. It truly demonstrates the value of JCI in which young people are empowered to create positive change.
We look forward to inviting you to Tunisia.

This newly opened horizon is the right inspiration for us to build a legacy for future generations. For that, we need to explore the new ways through which they’ll learn and invest in Edu-Tech. We might also need to transform and adapt our cultural heritage into a format that they can integrate into their new world through Culture-Tech.
We will explore the two building blocks for the future economies: First Fintech as it is the core and the infrastructure provider for all new markets emerging on the web 5.0 along with the blockchain technology. Second, comes the Aggro-tech industry which is helping us face current world challenges such as water and food scarcity, migration towards clean energy, and healthy leaving.
Next, we will have a glimpse at the parallel universes that are growing at the same time as ours online such as the metaverse, with all the new opportunities it presents like the NFT Markets, new Artificial Intelligence applications, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed reality. Such universes have already started reshaping our working habits through virtual offices and they are creating thriving market values at Millions of dollars.

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